Saturday, July 28, 2012

Scout and About

So as of a week ago today, we have had a new wonderful bundle of joy parading around our house. :3 A doggy. His name is scout and he is a half Pitbull, half Boxer. Now I know what some of you may be thinking..."oh no, here's a pitbull, they are so vicious and bad and no good around anyone. Just because of those stupid laws that are trying to get passed by ignorant people that have never had the privilege of owning one of these big hearted sweeties. Seriously, the only thing vicious about this boy are his farts. So a little bit about Scouty :3, he likes people, unless you're stupid and try to scare him, he likes dogs, as long as they don't try to scratch the ever loving bajeesus out of his face, he is also good with kids, being as he loves the ones here.

(my Scouty boy <3)

He has been absolutely perfect about being in the car, walking around the canal, playing with a dachshund puppy, being humped repeatedly by said puppy (with a look on his face like "mom...please") and is making his way up and down the stairs now with the addition of grips so he doesn't slide down them anymore. He is a peoples dog and loves to hop up on his couch. However, he is very super strong. Like doggy super strength. Left him in his cage for about an hour. Came home to this:

Oh my jeez! is what you must be thinking. Walked over and he was just wiggling on the couch looking at me like "I'm sorry mom! I thought you were never coming home!" and to be honest, I couldn't even be mad. He's just so cute and he was so worried that he was being left again like his last family did. So I just laughed, gave him a homemade peanutbutter dog cookie, and got kisses. He really is the perfect most laid back dog.
And we all know that he was just lying in wait to viciously maul this adorable little puckaroo here, because he is a pitbull. RIGHHHHHHT! Since they are all vicious and bad. I really need to put him in a bowtie, with a monacle and a tophat for halloween like a sir, because he is such a little gentleman. :)
Just like this photo for instance, he isn't asleep, he is waiting. lol (bad Chuck Norris reference I know) But more to come on this little fur bucket because he is so his parents. He's good at alerting us of people around the house too. Like the UPS guy...Scout barked at him because he knocked on the door. First thing the guy says is "I don't want to get bit". I mean I understand his concern, but Scout barked. He didn't give him death threats, poop on his shoe, give him the eye, or talk about the dudes mother. Some people just amaze me. He has fit in already and is tearing up any toy he can find...including a tennis ball he had for about 20 mins and bit in half. Strong jaws for a dog, and yet so gentle about taking food or toys or playing. Little velvety joweled prince. Yup. Prince Scout.

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