Saturday, September 29, 2012

Then Next Invasion...

The battle of the kitchen has been won. Other than the occasional feeble attempt at take-overs here and there, the house centipedes have all but given up. In their absence however, a new battle has begun. I call it "Chirping "play you the song of my people" Doom Battle" It has started to get cooler outside, and as the sun wanes on each new day, the battle wages...

The Black Cricket (btw that's not my house, just a picture of a cricket...I have better taste than that...) I really INSANELY LOVE FALL!!! But I must confess that I never really understood how much living in an old house with cracks attracts these little suckers. You go to walk into the kitchen or the bathroom...and there they are...scutlling their butts across my nice floor.

Now fortunately enough, I own an array of amphibians and reptiles, so their efforts do not go unpunished (MWUAHAHA) and they get locked up in the brig...with my hungry minions. Anyways, it's like every time you turn around, they lurk. Under the table, crawling under the fridge or stove, hopping into the house when I try to leave. They are like that one kid in school that you never want to hang out with but they still insist on talking to you. "oh wanna hang out? No? ok well maybe tomorrow! how about i just stay in your house for a bit? i see you have some lovely crums here. Mind if i take care of those for you? Lemme just hop in your dogs water bowl and take a swim :)" NOOOO!!!

Anyways, they have slowly been making an assault on the kitchen and taking over the job of the centipedes. These however, I can pick up (after much hopping and cursing) without wanting to scream, pee, throw up, get a hammer, or an enormous shoe to destroy said creature...unlike that of the monstrosity that is the house centipede.

This battle really, is more like a sad attempt at take over. They have no chance with me and my assault and capture team. Code name...assault team 4...because there are four of us....OH and the dog ASSAULT TEAM 5. Although he just watches them hop with mild curiosity and chases them under things..thusly defeating the purpose of capture. Their will will be broken slowly...and eventually it will be too cold for their little cricket bodies.

Awaiting the next battle front. Who knows what it will be this long as it isn't the centipedes again idgaf...